Bodybuilder scent (II)

The back cover of the exclusive edition of the gay magazine 'SCENT' shows 26 year-old American bodybuilder and personal trainer Brandon 'Love Spear' Grander -the prominent lady's man and number-one gay icon- in a muscular and attractive side pose, challenging that of the front cover in elegance and appeal (see Bodybuilder scent (I)). The two fans in this cover shot don't need much directing in illustrating the magazine's title, since they completely loose themselves in the intoxicating natural musk of their idol. This, however, doesn't bother Brandon in posing professionally and showing his best features on camera.

Twenty-three year-old Jayden Seymour totally overhears the clicking of the camera, as he presses his face against Brandon's groin, euphorically inhaling the distinctive smell of Brandon's bulging testicles and sensual glans. As shown in the shot for the front cover, the shape of Brandon's privates is clearly visible through the semi-transparent texture of the skimpy jockstrap. Feeling the young man's nose and lips touching his genitals obsessively, tickles Brandon a bit, but doesn't make him loose his concentration in posing and following the instructions of the photographer. (The accompanying article describes this intimate manly scent as the most natural bouquet of the male beast, so intoxicating, especially for gay admirers, who can't resist inhaling it directly from his groin, or otherwise through the medium of his underwear. Brandon's worn posers and jockstraps, discarded without washing after their last usage and bearing the smells of urine and sperm mixed with the rich and intimate scent of his scrotum, are highly valued as relics by his admirers and sold for astronomical prices.)

Twenty-two year-old Jamie Kozerenko passionately holds on to one of Brandon's muscular thighs, although Jayden seems to claim Brandon for himself alone. Still, Jamie puts into practice what a back cover actually defines, by digging his face deep between Brandon's muscular buttocks. The skimpy jockstrap gives almost no cover to Brandon's balls, leaving his butt crack completely bare. This proves ultimately generous to young Jamie, who runs his nostrils up and down the hairy contours, candidly slipping his wet tongue into Brandon's tight sphincter and twisting it extensively. For a short moment Brandon seems to be a bit distracted by this unfamiliar sensation, as he opens up to Jamie's unceasing intimate massage. (Via a special printing process, it had become possible to include four scratch-and-sniff samples of Brandon's scents attached to the magazine's cover. After distributing this issue, the scratch-and-sniff samples were torn from several copies of the magazine, and offered on the black market. The readers were asked to rate and describe the scents of the four samples. The two most popular scents were those of Brandon's balls (34 %) and his armpits (28 %), followed by his manhood (24 %) and his butt (14 %). When asked to describe the scent of Brandon's butthole, Jamie stressed this was his absolutely favorite odor. "This odor makes me want to dive in his toilet's sinkhole and roll my face through his excrements like a wild boar digging for truffles." It has been documented Brandon follows a strictly vegetarian diet.)