Growth experiment (Epilogue)

Three months after the growth experiment on Michael, his mass gain had got redistributed across his body. His musculature became more proportioned and, at the same time,  his bones grew and his height increased. Always weighting around 950 lb, he reached 10′5″, or some 3.15 meters.  His room was modified accordingly. Only Michael’s penis -to the researchers’ amazement- maintained its relative size. 

His slaves black and white gained experience in pleasing their owner, adapting as they could to his progressive growth. Disgracefully, they soon passed away in domestic accidents, one of them on the bed -its chest smashed beneath its owner’s glutes during a restless night- and the other with its head crushed by Michael’s enraged fist, after trying unsuccessfully to make its owner cum by frantically rubbing its full body against the enormous erect penis.

In the subsequent years, many bodybuilder slaves belonged to Michael and died by his hand. The giant, however, treasured black and white’s memory deep down in his heart.