In Salamis, most male slaves are former soldiers, taken as war spoils from defeated foreign armies. As prescribed by ancient laws, their penises are unceremoniously cut off as soon as they enter the capital. Their testicles, on the other hand, are preserved in place to allow for the growth of body muscle, necessary for their labors. Slaves which enter domestic service are heavily punished during training, until they learn to always show themselves content and smiling, no matter how unhappy they feel about their miserable condition. Altough they are easily identified for being permanently nude, their hair is cut in the manner of some barbaric peoples. Ajax's slaves know that, as soon as their Master has had his bath in the Sacral Pool, he likes to get an invigorating massage. They use their full well-developed physiques to give pleasure to the Prince's gigantic body, with special attention on his most sensible spots. As it would happen to any other young soldier, Ajax...