Yesterday, looking at some old pictures, I have recalled that one of the visitors here once asked whether my family owned slaves when I was a child. So, I have chosen this image to publish in my blog today. In the picture, taken when I was six or seven years old, I am playing at the beach near home with two of my parent's slaves. By those good old days, it was fashionable that slaves were fully shaved (sometimes, even their eyebrows and eyelashes!) and that they weared heavy bronze collars. Note that their brands are not tattooed, as nowadays, but acid-burned on their skin. I recall very well the slave which I am riding in the picture. It was a very young, very large specimen, whose incredible musculature often had me mesmerized even as a child. As I became of age, it was one of the first that I mounted -this time, sexually speaking, of course. When my father and mother died -by that time, I already had my own slave stock- it was donated to the government and sent to ...