Epaminondas by the sea

It is now two years that Epaminondas, the Theban general, has liberated the helots from two centuries of slavery under the Spartan yoke. Many of the helots, not having a homeland that they could call their own, offered themselves as slaves to their liberators. Epaminondas himself took three young brothers for his personal service, but also to help the poor things as their erastes -their moral mentor and sexual penetrator. Following the Theban custom, the slaves' penises were immediately cut, but -to preserve their masculine demeanor- their testicles were spared. They were completely shaved, except for a strip of hair in the top of their heads, and white-hot branding irons with Epaminondas initial were applied to their left breasts and right buttocks. Since then, they have learnt to give pleasure to their owner and erastes with all kinds of caresses, games, and dances, especially after the long hours of exhausting combat training, when Epaminondas likes to relax by t...