And then, one night, the inconceivable happened: Marcus found his slave at the garage corner where he had fastened it a hour earlier, deeply asleep, but sporting a huge erection and ejaculating. A puddle of semen had already formed on the floor, and abundant cum was still slowly oozing out from the swollen glans. It was true that, in the three months that boi had been part of Marcus’ property, it had never been allowed to touch itself, let alone to cum. However, this loss of control was unacceptable in an expensive trained slave, and had to be heavily punished. Ten minutes later, the contemptible servant was receiving the hardest and longest whipping it had ever endured. The following morning, Marcus rushed to the slave store to find a permanent chastity device for boi. He chose Chastiknot®, a new model that included thorough penis piercing but didn’t impede urination. Chastiknot® was only suitable for slave penises above a certain length, but this was no...